Hardfell arborists

Hardfell Professional Arborists is a small family tree business run by people who love to work and live in the Northwest community.

Owners Shaun and Lucy Hardman have both worked very hard to get the business to where it is now, which is something they say they are both very proud of.

Hardfell strives to be professional and give the best service possible.

It has a great team who also understands this ethos and helps support the business by being polite and courteous to customers and doing their best to exceed expectations.

The business started eight years ago with Shaun and a ute working as a contract climber for other tree companies.

A year later he decided to grow the business and started to employ staff, investing in a truck and chipper.

As the years have gone by and the workload increased, Hardfell Professional Arborists has continued to add to the team and upgrade its fleet.

“We now run a team of 10 and have also upgraded our fleet by adding diggers, stump grinders, trucks and chippers,” the Hardfells say.

“We work hard to ensure our fleet is as tidy and professional as possible as we take pride in our business image.”

Shaun runs the business and is normally the first point of call for all enquiries. He is also still out on the tools with the team, climbing trees and operating machinery.

Lucy helps manage emails and accounts.

Taylor Blaikie  and Luke Roberts help with the training, quotes, fleet servicing and are also both still working on the tools with the great team of arborists and trainees.

“We have a strong focus to help upskill all our staff both by in house training and working towards their Level 4 Qualification in Arboriculture,” the Hardfells say.

“We are able to cover many aspects of tree work. Tree pruning, hedge trimming, tree removal, tree planting, stump grinding and mulch deliveries.”

 Hardfell is also approved contractors to the Auckland Council.

“We’ve been lucky to involve ourselves in many cool projects including helicopter tree removals, crane jobs, abseiling works and cat rescues,” say the Hardfells.

“We love being here and do what we can to give back to this amazing community.

“We also still love our job,” they explain.

“Climbing trees and operating diggers is the dream of most kids.

“Having a passion for our industry helps set us apart from the competition as we’re invested in doing the best job possible.”

Visit www.hardfell.co.nz, phone 0210 720 739, email shaun@hardfell.co.nz, or search social media (www.facebook.com/hardfell, www.instagram.com/hardfell_ltd.